AANM Bylaws Amendments

The AANM Board of Directors has worked on several amendments to the bylaws and welcomes your comments or questions. The changes are noted in red text. If you wish to provide feedback, you can email Kelle Senye, Executive Director. The Board will vote on the amendments on December 7, 2017.


The article from the current bylaws that govern how amendments are made to the bylaws of the organization is quoted below.


Section 1.  AMENDMENT.  These Bylaws may be amended in accordance with the following procedure:

(A) The Board or a Bylaws Committee appointed by the Board may propose an amendment to the Bylaws.
(B) The Board shall vote whether to send the amendment to counsel for a legal opinion.
(C) Counsel shall review and report at least ten (10) days before the next Board of Directors meeting at which the amendment will be considered.
(D) Following legal opinion, if the Board still desires to further the amendment process, the Board shall vote upon a date by which the membership shall be given notice of the amendment, and shall place a final vote on the amendment on the agenda of a future Board meeting not less than thirty (30) days following the notice to the members.  
(E) The notice of the Board’s intent to vote to amend Bylaws shall be given to members by print or electronic means inviting them to comment on changes.   The notice shall include the date of the vote and either the text of amendment or the location, via print or electronic means where the text of the amendment may be found.
(F) All votes regarding amendments to these Bylaws shall be by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership of the Board.
(G) The Board resolution shall set forth the specific language of the proposed Bylaw amendment.
(H) Upon enactment, the Bylaw Amendment shall be executed by the President and Secretary and published to the members.

Board of Directors

  • Juan Olvera
    Juan Olvera
    Executive Director
  • Steve Grant
    Steve Grant
    Owner Grant Property Investments
    Immediate Past-President
  • Aaron Bernabe
    Aaron Bernabe
    Vice President WaFd Bank
  • Samantha Boyette
    Samantha Boyette
    Financial Analyst/Operations Manager Yes Housing Inc.
    Primary Director
  • Debbie Davis
    Debbie Davis
    Chief Operations Officer Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico
    Primary Director
  • Theresa Kester
    Theresa Kester
    CPO, HCCP, NCPE Director of Operations Monarch Properties Inc
    Primary Director
  • Ian Robertson
    Ian Robertson
    Dir of Development Titan Development
    Primary Director
  • Evan Sanderson
    Evan Sanderson
    CEO Duke City Property Investments
    Primary Director
  • Karie Taylor
    Karie Taylor
    Owner Elevated Management Group
    Primary Director
  • Gene Vance
    Gene Vance
    Attorney Vance, Chavez and Associates
    Legal Counsel
  • Michelle Arnero
    Michelle Arnero
    Property Maint./Mgmt. Sales Representative Sherwin Williams Company - Paint
    Associate Director
  • Jeff Lepori
    Jeff Lepori
    Operations / Sales Direct Parking Services, LLC/FirewatchNM
    Associate Director
  • Sarah Raboff
    Sarah Raboff
    NAI SunVista
    Associate Director